Saturday 25 April 2015

Wrapper Free Snacks for Room 9

We have been noticing things all term and now it was time to do something about what we've noticed. Our maths investigation of rubbish in the school grounds revealed that most rubbish was from lunch wrappers and gladwrap. Room 9 came up with a solution to use little containers for our snacks rather than having snacks that needed wrapping. We designed these with Miss Allnutt and can't wait to use them. If they crack or break they can be recycled but until then we will reuse, reuse, reuse. Marley told us that she gets some good reusable lunch wrappers online, she wraps her sandwiches in them everyday, maybe making some reusable sandwich wrappers could be a future project for the green team. It was a great way to end the term by creating a solution for a problem we had observed.

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