Saturday 25 April 2015

Poppy Growing

 Thank you to Allison for coming to school to help Room 9 plant poppies. Allison offered us so much more than just planting seeds, she explained germination, seed rot and why the poppies grew in the battlefields after the fighting had stopped.

We worked in small groups to plant our poppies, we watered them and waited. Some children thought the pot would have a plant like the one on the packet quite soon but the packet said it could take ten days just for the seed to germinate.

Room 9 must be good gardeners because our seeds germinated in just 4 days. We had a good strike rate too. Most pots were full of little sprout poppies.

Poppies don't really like to be transplanted but that is what we will be trying to do later in the year.

There were some very proud seed mums and dads in Room 9. Room 9 will teach Room 8 how to plant the poppies so they can join us transplanting the seedlings around the school to remind us of our returned service men and women all year round.

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