Friday 21 June 2013

Can you hear me?

We put some inventions on a timeline last Friday to get a better understanding of time. Then we sorted ways that people use water in the past (before people understood how to use electricity) and now with machines and appliances which use electricity.

Here is our timeline. Thanks to the people who investigated some things around the house and found out when they were first used by people.

Ryan found out about the telephone and he had a string phone that you could make in his 'Inventions' book. We made some today, we had a poem about ears and sound. We used the phones and we made a recording using garage band so we could see sound waves. It was lots of silly fun. Not everyone wanted to be recorded but we all had a chance and we all loved to listen to it play back.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Pizza and Chocolate Problems

We had the playdough out again today to learn about fractions. Room 2 was transformed into a Pizza and Chocolate Restauarant. We made Pizza and had to work out how to make sure it was cut so that two people would have fair shares- equal amounts. We talked about how the parts had to be the same if they were fractions.

This one is cut down the middle. It wasn't fair but it has some tasty toppings.

We decided we needed a way to check if the pieces were fair.

 Some people started to make lots of little bits and then share them out into groups.
William G had an idea to cut the pieces into strips and then pile them up.

Mrs Walker got some rulers and the measuring began. Some people realised that they could put the pieces on top of each other and see if they were the same. Mrs Walker said they were comparing the area of their peices.

 Thomas and William P wanted to write the fraction they had made. Thomas had 31 pieces so 1 piece was 1 out of 31. He wrote it on the board. William counted the chocolate pieces he had made his chocolate pieces were 1/24 of his block of chocolate. We talked about how numbers at the bottom of the fraction that were bigger actually were smaller fractions because there were more pieces so each piece had to be smaller. Our 1/2 pizzas started to look pretty big.

Rippa Rugby

Ginny visited last week and took us for Rippa Rugby skills. It was a lots of muddy fun. We had two sessions and enjoyed ripping tails of our velcro belts and scoring tries. Some people spent more time on their try scoring celebration dances than the try scoring itself. Thanks again Ginny, we've been playing the 'Shark' game you taught us in our own fitness and P.E times.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Pyjama Party

The pyjama party was so much fun. We danced around in our pyjamas and then wrote stories about being in our pyjamas at school- in our pyjamas. Here are some photos and stories of our pyjama antics. In all the hurry getting changed Oliver has lost his long sleeved icebreaker polypropylene top. If any of the boys took it home in their bag by mistake he and his mum would love to get it back. Room 2 is filling up their marble jar again so they will all be thinking about what they will do next.

Pyjama Party

Our whole class had a pyjama party. I did a funny movement. We’re gonna get out of our pyjamas at lunchtime. We got in our PJs at morning tea. We danced and we danced.

Pyjama Party

We put our pyjamas on and we got to dance and sing to the songs. I hugged Andrew on the ‘I’m a Believer’ song. On ‘Mama Mia’ most of the girls went round in circles as we sang along to the music. Thomas had ‘Skylander’ pyjamas. 
William P

Pyjama Party

I had a pyjama party. We brought our pyjamas to school.

Pyjama Party

I didn’t have my pyjamas so I pretended my clothes were pyjamas.
William G

Pyjama Party

I loved Tarrah and Leena and Angelique because I like the dancing and the singing. I love the pyjama party like a love heart.
Charlotte K

Sunday 9 June 2013

Ross Creek

We had a great day, thank you so much to all of the parent helpers for keeping us safe and walking all that way trying to keep track of groups of darting little bush-walkers.
We started the day off making our scroggin. On Thursday we did some market research and trialled all of the scroggin ingredients, we used tally marks to show our favourites. We were making nut free scroggin for people with nut allergies- you can't buy this at the supermarket so we are filling a gap in the market.

Lots of people liked the dried bananas, only 3 people liked the ginger and most of us ran for the drink bottles when they tried this one.

We planned our scroggin for the trip and made it in little bags for the walk. We have also started to design our packaging. You can see our finish product soon as we will be bringing our scroggin sample home.

Here are the slide shows of our fantastic walks to Ross Creek. Thank you again to the parent helpers who made this possible and such a great day. Look out for our Ross Creek inspired art.

Trip One

Trip Two

Saturday 1 June 2013

Maps and Orienteering

When we watched the video about Ross Creek and on our first visit lots of Room 2 children were interesting in the maps shown around Ross Creek. They had questions about the orienteering points we saw on our walk and topography especially how the maps showed hills and flat sections of Ross Creek using contour lines. We made our own maps, some people made Ross Creek and some people made their own dream recreation area. We learnt about compass points and keys on maps by looking at lots of other maps of other recreation areas. We are really good at understanding symbols and some children designed their own.

Then we wanted to have a go at orienteering, Mrs Walker taught us how to use the compasses, some of them were stuck but William G worked out that they had a lock at the side that released the needle. We cracked the code on the top court using our compasses.

When we were finished we had more questions about how the compass worked, what makes the needle go to the North. Our poem that week gave us some clues about our Earth being a magnet. We decided to explore magnets as a Reading Activity in the following week. All of this started from Fergus noticing different types of lines on our maps and Joe counting all of the orienteering pegs along the track at Ross Creek. What a question trail.


We walked to Redroofs on Thursday afternoon with three great parent helpers to sing two songs and read to the elderly people who live there. It was great fun for us and for our hosts. We all got a banana lolly and big applause from our audience.
One of the ladies in the audience went to Maori Hill School. When she was five she had assembly in the same hall as us. None of the residents remembered going to Ross Creek as children but many of them grew up in other parts of New Zealand and the world. We sang 'Cheeky Little Fantail' and 'Irish Music's Much More Fun'.

Tuhi enjoys the Snow

Tuhi the Kiwi and I had lots of fun playing in the snow. Here is some of our photos.