Saturday 1 June 2013

Maps and Orienteering

When we watched the video about Ross Creek and on our first visit lots of Room 2 children were interesting in the maps shown around Ross Creek. They had questions about the orienteering points we saw on our walk and topography especially how the maps showed hills and flat sections of Ross Creek using contour lines. We made our own maps, some people made Ross Creek and some people made their own dream recreation area. We learnt about compass points and keys on maps by looking at lots of other maps of other recreation areas. We are really good at understanding symbols and some children designed their own.

Then we wanted to have a go at orienteering, Mrs Walker taught us how to use the compasses, some of them were stuck but William G worked out that they had a lock at the side that released the needle. We cracked the code on the top court using our compasses.

When we were finished we had more questions about how the compass worked, what makes the needle go to the North. Our poem that week gave us some clues about our Earth being a magnet. We decided to explore magnets as a Reading Activity in the following week. All of this started from Fergus noticing different types of lines on our maps and Joe counting all of the orienteering pegs along the track at Ross Creek. What a question trail.

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