Wednesday 29 June 2016

Reflective and Rotational Symmetry

We have been exploring symmetry.

We made some artwork based on Reuben Patterson's glitter work. Lots of the children had visited the 'Dotty Room' at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery. We made little circle artworks using reflective and rotational symmetry to create a cool pattern with golden paper.

Then we worked with our thinking partners to explore rotational symmetry. We sorted different pictures and tried to work out the order of rotational symmetry each picture had (if it had rotational symmetry). Some people were very interested in shapes like circles that are the same all the way around. Should we say they have an order of 1? or even none?

Mrs Walker told us a circle has degrees and some people are interested to find out more about this. We will have to do another investigation next term into this. Great thinking Room 6.

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