Sunday 14 February 2016

Welcome Room 6, 2016

 We have had a wonderful first two weeks.

Our visits to Life Education (Harold's) Caravan, were exciting and we will continue this work in the classroom around: feelings, being a friend and learn a bit about emotions and the human brain.

Dr. Oliver places a body organ in the correct place on carpet kid.

 Our tennis programme has also begun. The focus is on building hand-eye co-ordination and learning the basics of tennis for all of the children.

Max in 'ready' position.

Some children will build up to playing short games of tennis in a ladder competition. The coaches and teachers will work with the children at their own level of tennis experience.

The children and I loved our first session. Myself and the coaches were a little like the automatic ball throwing machines. The coaches were very skilled, my children got an extra go as many of my pitches were hopeless. I ended up with balls everywhere and kept getting hit. That's why there is no video of that particular part of the session, not until my lack of hand-eye co-ordination is ironed out.

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