Wednesday 14 October 2015

Shell Study

Room 9 are working on a shell study, we will be drawing shells to scale and enlarging and reducing shells for our art and mathematics work. We are measuring shells in everyway possible and thinking about the beauty of shells, how shells have been used by people and how appreciating shells can bring science and art together. We have bought some context and purpose to this study thinking about how shells are collected and studied in the real world. The Smithsonian Museum has the biggest shell collection in the world. We will make our own shell museum display for everyone to come and see. We have learnt to measure shells length and width. We found it hard to measure the shells as they had curved faces so Mrs Walker taught us to measure curved surfaces with string and our ruler. Then we learnt about perimeter and measured this. We will weigh our shells and then we will use displacement to find the volume of our shells. At the beginning this work was difficult but with practise everyone has mastered measurement and the classroom has such a quiet hum as all of the children explore their own shell investigations and collect measurements of their favourite shells.

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