Wednesday 2 September 2015

Sorting Superhero Qualities

Room 9 were given lots of pictures to sort into groups. There were pictures of superheroes from kids movies, everyday people with roles in our community and children from Room 9. We sorted them in lots of ways. Some of the co-operative groups sorted the pictures into obvious groups.

Then everyone was asked to group them again and again, thinking of different categories each time. The co-operative groups started to categorise the pictures into groups based on qualities, helpful, kind, caring, brave etc. The co-operative groups presented their classified groups to the class and explained their thinking. Zara made a comment at the end of the activity, that for this task there was no right or wrong answer. This linked in nicely with our other discussions about failure and being wrong, feeling bad about failure when you have bad luck is being unfair to yourself. In the same way, in lots of tasks there isn't a right or wrong, just lots of different ways of looking at the same things.

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