Wednesday 12 March 2014

Our First Post for the Year

Welcome to the Room 2 blog for 2014.

Sorry it has taken me so long to get our first post online but I should get something on the blog most weeks from now on.

Here are some pictures from our visit to Harold's caravan and some pictures of the work we have been doing on the digestive system.

Some people got to be the doctor with Richard and Harold and find organs in the body. A light came on when we touched the organs and bones that we were learning about.
We made digestive systems out of playdough in pairs. Then we used paper and drew around one person and cut out the parts of the digestive system and put them in the right places on our paper outline of a person.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Room 2! You have been very busy. What a lot you have learnt about the parts of the body. I have been impressed listening to you all talk in the science centre before school in the morning. What clever learners you are!
    From Kath (Harry's mum)
