Monday 31 March 2014

Hockey Session

We had Courtney our Hockey Coach come to school today to work with our class on our first hockey session for the year.

We played a game called 'Rob the Nest' we ran to a big nest to collect a ball and return it to our own nest, when we heard our number called.
Rob the Nest

The Winner

We learnt to hold our hockey sticks correctly and the most important rule- KEEP YOUR STICK ON THE GROUND.

Then we played this same game but had to dribble the ball to our nest.
The Next Winner

Then we had to dribble our ball around the court and stop the ball when Courtney yelled "STOP!", it was fun and Room 2 were the best listeners. Courtney was very impressed with us.

Thursday 27 March 2014


Sketching our Portraits
This term we have been working with paint to create some self portraits for our writers' wall. We experimented with using white to lighten colours and faded these gradually out in circular shapes. We used these experimental pages as colourful frames for our writing on our writers' wall.

We experimented using the brush in lots of different ways. We used the side of the brush to dab paint so that when we mixed colours they didn't mix into one flat colour but had lots of different shades of the colour we used with white.

We looked at the hydrangeas blooming in the garden outside our classroom. We used the dabbing brush to make green backgrounds as leaves. Then we selected our colours for the hydrangeas.

We think they look so beautiful. This week we will be drawing harakeke (flax) seed pods. Some people in Room 2 have been rubbing them on the ground at lunchtime to learn more about them so we will cut some up and see what is inside.


On Fridays we have an experience which connects to an interest or concept we have been discussing in class.  Then we write about this experience and Mrs Walker often publishes this work for our writers' wall. We have been swimming for the last four weeks so we haven't been doing our usual Friday programme.

These are some pictures and stories from our bubble blowing experience.


I blew my bubbles up, up, up.
Over the grass.
Down, down, down,
Over the wood…
Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!


My bubbles went over the bush.
Pop! Pop! Pop!


Wednesday 12 March 2014

Our First Post for the Year

Welcome to the Room 2 blog for 2014.

Sorry it has taken me so long to get our first post online but I should get something on the blog most weeks from now on.

Here are some pictures from our visit to Harold's caravan and some pictures of the work we have been doing on the digestive system.

Some people got to be the doctor with Richard and Harold and find organs in the body. A light came on when we touched the organs and bones that we were learning about.
We made digestive systems out of playdough in pairs. Then we used paper and drew around one person and cut out the parts of the digestive system and put them in the right places on our paper outline of a person.