Friday 28 November 2014

Ideas for the holidays

Here is a list of all of the ideas Room 2 came up with of things to do in the holidays as a final homework task.
There are lots of good ideas here Room 2, well done. 

Go to the library
Play board games, learn a new one- chess
Go to a friend's house to play or have a friend come to your house
Going on bikes, roller-blades, skateboards etc
Going to the park
Going camping
Go to the beach
Play outside- make believe
Playing sports
Snuggling on the couch
Baking or cooking

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Reading to the class

We will soon be finishing 'Wow News' everyone has had an equal number of turns so it is a perfect time to stop.

As there will be no more 'Wow News, some people will be asked if they would like to read to the class. Zavier has been working hard on reading aloud to others and using expression. He has been reading beautifully and was asked to share this with us. He did an amazing job. Well done Zavier.

Running, Jumping and Throwing

Sean has been in to go over the fundamental skills needed for athletics. We will be practising these skills in physical education session in the afternoons so please make sure that the children have appropriate footwear for running and jumping. 

We experimented running lots of different ways to find the best technique. This was limbo running.

 Flopping arm running, we also did robot arm running.

We had to hold the baton in the right hand because we had an egg and spoon in the other hand.

Thursday 13 November 2014


Here are a few pictures of our golf session with Melanie last Tuesday.

Fairy Gardens

We have finally finished our fairy products for the 'Fairy Garden Kits' which we will be selling at the fair. We are designing the packaging tomorrow and needed to take photos for the packaging showing people how to use the products.

We had a lovely time outside all rugged up making fairy gardens and taking pictures of them to use on our packaging.

See you all at the fair on Sunday.


One of the fairy gardens

This is Mrs Walkers and Lena's one they made in the holidays at their house. They needed to test how to best make the doors.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Teddy Bear Picnic

Room 2 filled the marble jar again. This time we decided to have a teddy bear picnic.

We ate our lunch early, on picnic blankets with our teddy bears. Then we played with some equipment from the PE shed before any of the other children in the school had their lunch.

Art Inspiration

Term three was a very arty term. Everyone in our class put a piece of artwork in our school Art Exhibition. The work in the hall from everyone in the school was fantastic.

Room 2 was off to the Art Gallery next. We did some amazing work based around the giant bunny in the pictures. John showed us around the gallery and pointed out some special features of some famous artists. There were some really fun ideas that we will have a go at back at school.

Here is a slideshow of all of our art pieces from the museum.

Sunday 7 September 2014

What has Tuhi been doing?

Tuhi has been busy so far this year. Read what he has been doing with all of the people he has visited in Room 2.

I read a story to Tuhi. I love Tuhi  
- Sofia -

Me and Tuhi the Kiwi played in the snow.
- Gabrielle -

Me and Tuhi the Kiwi were eating ice-cream. We got ice-cream on our faces. We looked crazy.
- Olive -

Tuhi watched the All Blacks game with me. Tuhi slept in my bed.
- Ashley -

Tuhi the Kiwi and I are playing in the sandpit we are making a sandcastle. Me and Tuhi the Kiwi played Mums and Dads. Tuhi was the baby, I was the Mum and Isaac was the Dad. It was fun.

Me and Tuhi are standing beside each other. 
- Zavier -

I took Tuhi out for afternoon tea. We shared a hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookie.
- Alice -

Tuhi is sitting with Wiggles and me. (Wiggles is Emily's cat)
- Emily -

Kiwi and Koala at my house. Tuhi the Kiwi, me and Koala.


Here are some pictures from last weeks visit from the Fire Service.

We learnt about the protective clothing the Fire Fighters wear and got to go into the fire appliance (fire truck). We saw how all of the equipment is carried and organised on the fire appliance- just like a huge tool box on wheels.

Thank you to Rocket and Brad for sharing their work with us.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Newspaper Ramps

We made some ramps out of newspaper and tape to roll a marble down. Our very first ramps didn't work because they didn't have any slope. People made the with their thinking partners (buddies). We used a lot of different strategies to make our ramps work.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Incline Plane Ramps

We talked about the pyramids in class today and wondered how they were built. We watched this little video about how inclined planes were used to shift the heavy bricks up to the top of the pyramids. Then we went on a ramp hunt in our school, we talked about who uses the ramps and that they were important for anything with wheels like prams, wheelchairs and scooters. Then we each got a marble with our thinking buddy and had to make a ramp using things in the classroom. Here are some pictures of some of our ideas.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Toitu Museum- Transport History

Here are some pictures from our school trip to Toitu. Thank you to all of the parents who joined us. I hope they all enjoyed the trip as much as us. It was wonderful to have such small groups to enjoy the museum together.

Keep checking the blog for a few more learning experiences from our transport studies. Thank you also to the families who have shared the interviews of grandparents' memories of transportation from their childhood. The children have learnt a lot from this and found it very funny that so many grandparents didn't have their first plane ride until they were in their twenties. Some grandparents families had horses and most families all had just one car. Some of the grandparents remembered their fathers going to work on bicycles. One grandparent went to a small school and the teacher picked up all of the children every morning. Imagine if Room 2 did this every morning.

Sailing Ship- Wind Power


Harakeke waka.
This would take 2 days to make and then was left to rot away when it was no longer needed.

Horse Power

Electric Trolley Bus 

 Timothy spotted the overhead wires that connected the trolley bus to the electrical power source that powered the buses. Sullivan told us about the trolley buses in Wellington, Wellington city kept their trolley buses.

One group learnt about the trams that went up Dunedin step streets. They realised that you would have been on an angle as you went sideways up hill. The seats had wooden ridges on them to stop the passengers rolling on top of each other.

Lots of the children enjoyed trying the Penny Farthing bike.