Tuesday 30 August 2016

Athenian Society

Today we watched this video about how different groups in Ancient Greece were organised, who had the power and we talked about how this affected the cultures of these different groups of people. Our work in philosophy has obviously paid off as the class were able to talk about what was good or bad about different systems and what was fair or unfair. Tyne thought it was good that in Athens everyone had a chance to say what they thought because it would make everyone think more and the society would be smarter. Zara still thought it was unfair because the women didn't get to speak. Everyone was grateful not to live in such tough times, we thought life as a slave would be terrible in all of the societies, especially in Sparta. Max was very interested in the Macedonians and why and how they managed to take over Sparta and Athens. As a class we are deciding which book we will read aloud, we decided to do this Athenian style, we have put all of the options on the board. Everyone has a chance to try to persuade everyone to vote for the one they like best and then we will have a vote, in Room 6 everyone will get a vote. Over the week we will learn to represent the power in these societies in diagrams.