Sunday 2 August 2015

Collecting Data on our Challenges

We took data about things that we worry, feel anxious or scared about doing. Mrs Walker will design experiences for us to 'Embrace' these challenges.

These pictures show our data, the column on the left means that is not at all worrying, the middle is ok, the far right column is quite uncomfortable or anxious.

Our first challenge was to 'not know what was happening', to trust someone else to lead us around the playground with our eyes closed.

Then we had to let a group of people catch us as we fell forwards and backwards around a small circle of classmates. 'Reed in the Wind'

The Incredibles

We watched 'The Incredibles'.

It was a surprise and we had to work out what we would be learning about this term.
We talked about what makes a superhero and what didn't in the movie.

It wasn't the superpowers it was what the heroes did with their powers.

They didn't take the easy road, they did what was right even when it was harder. They cared about other people.

We decided that being weak is doing what is easy and what you want for yourself.
Being strong and powerful was hard and you think about other people. Mr Incredible taught us this in the movie.