Wednesday 20 May 2015

Takoha to Vanuatu to Celebrate Matariki

To celebrate Matariki we have been thinking about who we could share some joy with. Marley heard about the crisis in Vanuatu after the cyclone that hit it recently.
Mrs Scott in Room 8 was sent an email about boxes that Blue Coconut would send to Vanuatu for us if we filled them with gifts for a child our age.
Room 8 and 9 brought lots of things to school to donate and we filled ten boxes; ten children in Vanuatu will get a lovely box of presents from us. We even included a letter to them with our email address so we might hear from them one day. It was a really positive experience. Thank you to Mrs Scott for picking up the boxes and taking them down to be picked up by Blue Coconut.

Constant and Change

We have been talking about the concepts of constant and change, and talking about how we measure the passing of time and change over time. We have been enjoying tracing our shadows at different times of the day and seeing how these move across the court as our planet turns in relation to the sun. We have used models to show how this works. We have been enjoying making time-lapse videos on the i-Pads recording group members doing and making things. We have been experimenting changing the frequency of the photos being taken, we can set the i-Pad to take a photo within a certain period of seconds or milliseconds.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Igneous Rocks

Miss Allnutt, our student teacher taught us about igneous rock (rock formed from a volcano) today. Here is a video of the volcano we made in class. Sorry about the orange carpet Mr Hogg.

Friday 1 May 2015

Egyptian Numbers

Today during maths we learnt about the Ancient Egyptian number system. Gabrielle was excellent at writing numbers using it. We will have another go next week as some of us were just getting the hang of it. It was so much fun.