Tuesday 8 April 2014

Toitu Museum- Transport History

Here are some pictures from our school trip to Toitu. Thank you to all of the parents who joined us. I hope they all enjoyed the trip as much as us. It was wonderful to have such small groups to enjoy the museum together.

Keep checking the blog for a few more learning experiences from our transport studies. Thank you also to the families who have shared the interviews of grandparents' memories of transportation from their childhood. The children have learnt a lot from this and found it very funny that so many grandparents didn't have their first plane ride until they were in their twenties. Some grandparents families had horses and most families all had just one car. Some of the grandparents remembered their fathers going to work on bicycles. One grandparent went to a small school and the teacher picked up all of the children every morning. Imagine if Room 2 did this every morning.

Sailing Ship- Wind Power


Harakeke waka.
This would take 2 days to make and then was left to rot away when it was no longer needed.

Horse Power

Electric Trolley Bus 

 Timothy spotted the overhead wires that connected the trolley bus to the electrical power source that powered the buses. Sullivan told us about the trolley buses in Wellington, Wellington city kept their trolley buses.

One group learnt about the trams that went up Dunedin step streets. They realised that you would have been on an angle as you went sideways up hill. The seats had wooden ridges on them to stop the passengers rolling on top of each other.

Lots of the children enjoyed trying the Penny Farthing bike.